Being it was one of the nicest days we had seen in a couple months, and not wanting to do the typical bike ride at Carvin’s Cove, we invented what is known currently as the BROathlon. A BROathlon consisted of 4 of our male staff members (Eric, Anthony, Chris and Patrick) spending 4-5 hours trekking the New Castle countryside on; 1) a 7 mile bike loop around Fenwick Park back to Base Camp, 2) a 1.5 mile run to the 2nd ford creek crossing and then 3) a 3 mile paddle down Craig’s Creek in our open cockpit white water kayaks back to Base Camp.
All started out well, we planned out the trip in the Administration building, drawing a rough map that we would follow, as well as deciding what prep work we would need to set up before we hit the trail. We decided that we should drop off the boats, pfd’s and paddles at the second ford before we did anything else so they would be ready for us when we arrived after our jog. Then headed back to camp to get our bikes ready for the loop. It took a good 30 minutes to get set up and be on our bikes on the camp road headed to Fenwick Mines. Our start was time 2:15pm with a goal of finishing the event in 3 hours.
A factor we did not put into our estimated time was the pack of camp dogs, Rocky, Jackson and Charlie. They must have been looking for something to do this Sunday as well, and it seemed as if they decided that a Dogathlon was a great idea. Hoping we could out ride the dogs we started to pedal faster, even the littlest of dogs (Charlie) picked up his pace and followed us all the way to the 615/611 intersections. A little frustrated we decided that we needed to head back to camp and chain them up before we hit the road again. New start time: 2:45.

We completed the loop successfully the second time around in about an hour, put our bikes away and started our 1.5 mile run to the second ford. Again the dogs started to follow us; luckily they were distracted by some of the stray rabbits on the property. We reached the house in about 20 mins, grabbed a quit bite to eat (pb&J) and then grabbed our boats and carried them down to the 2nd ford.
Though it was a beautiful day outside the water was still extremely cold, flipping your boat and or dragging our boats through shallow areas would be a horrible idea. Along the way we found some ice formations that had drained off of the ridge and froze before getting to the creek.
Un-till next time.......
Patrick R Boas
1 comment:
AWW...Jackson looks soo cute. I think that means that I vote for the second one, just because my little poo is in the picture
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